Diploma Thesis:

Die Punktfehlstellenthermodynamik der Mischphase CoO-MgO

(Point Defect Thermodynamics of the Mixed Phase CoO-MgO)

Rüdiger Dieckmann

Technical University of Clausthal 1972

The following link leads to the thesis denoted above, which is in German. The original thesis has been scanned and then converted into an electronic text version by using OCR software. All equations were retyped. During this process, some minor typographic errors were removed (and some others possibly have been added unintentionally and were not caught during proof reading). Therefore, information about any errors is welcome. To avoid confusion in any communication, the original page numeration of the thesis has been maintained, although leading at some locations to some "strange" formatting.

     When making use of any equations given in the thesis, please have in mind that one uses in Germany a comma instead of a decimal point , i.e., 1.5 kg in the U.S. corresponds to 1,5 kg in Germany.

     To access the PDF file of the theses denoted above, please click here. The length of the file is 444 kB.

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last update: 12/04/2003